Wednesday, May 24, 2017

It's Not You...It's Me

“It’s Not You It’s Me” may sound cliché.  But often times this is exactly what is meant.  Sometimes it’s the reverse – “It’s Not Me It’s You”.  In our lives we may have ended relationships with people who were great but they weren’t great for us.  People have ended relationships with us because we just weren’t a good fit for them.  I know many use this as a cop out.  No one wants to have that tough conversation when the other person wants to know “WHY” you are ending the relationship.  There is always a reason for the ending of a relationship.  It’s just a matter of if we get the real reason.

It’s hard not to take a break up personally.  We second guess everything we felt or said throughout the entire relationship trying to rationalize what we could have done differently to make you want to be with us.  Suddenly this person who we had lukewarm feelings for in the first place is the most important relationship of our lives and we need to know why they don’t want to be with us.  Often, those red flags we were seeing in the relationship now seem like little bumps in the road that we totally could have worked through.  All for the sake of being in a relationship.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again.  Being single is not a disease.  We’ve all sat there making excuses for the ones we are with because we want to rationalize their behavior.  Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason as to why someone acts the way they do except that they are not the ones for us.  Everyone goes through things in life.  People process emotions differently.  Some people pull away and just need space in order to figure things out.  Some people need more than space and need a break.  Hence the old Friends episode:  “WE WERE ON A BREAK!”  A break is not always a break up but sometimes it is.  Navigating this is part of relationships.  It’s not always easy, it’s often times messy but it’s also a part of life.

I look back on some of my relationships and think:
·         What the heck was I thinking?
·         How could they change so fast?
·         Wow, dodged a bullet there.
·         Why did I stay so long?
·         Did I not stay long enough?

It’s important to reflect and think about what happened in our relationships.  In some cases, we have to accept that we were wrong about the person.  Sometimes people are not who we believe or want them to be.  And sometimes they are exactly who they have always been but we chose not to look deep enough.  We try to rationalize warning signs because we want to be open and not judgmental.  However it’s important that we not simply breeze past those big orange cones warning us about danger ahead for the sake of trying to be open and non-judgmental. 

Have you ever found yourself saying things like:
·         They’ve got a lot going on right now.
·         I’m just giving them some time/space to figure things out.
·         He / She is just so busy with work.
·         They are really nice when you get to know them.
·         I know that when things settle down things will get back on track.

Relationships take work.  Guess what?  Everyone has a lot of things going on these days.  Between family, friends, and work – the amount of free time has become more and more limited.  The days of a true 9-5 job are gone.  Thanks to the fast paced world we now live in; we all need answers to even the easiest questions – NOW!  Thanks in large part to technology – people’s communication skills have suffered.  I know that I have said this before but communication is the building block of every good relationship.  We have to be able to work through our differences and celebrate our successes.  Being in a relationship does not mean that everything is instantly perfect.  Things are going to get messy.  You’re going to fight and disagree.  You’re going to love and laugh.  Make sure that you are not blinded by the bliss of being in a relationship that miss the important signs just ahead.

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