Friday, November 4, 2016

Match...As Seen on TV?

Here we are a few weeks after my horrific first date since joining Match.  I have not clicked with anyone since.  I know you may feel bad for me.  Please don’t.  Have no fear – I have not lost my faith in the process.  This is part of the fun.  Getting to see what works, what doesn’t and what should really NEVER happen.  It’s been an interesting adventure so far.  I’ve had a few short chats, some winks/emails with no follow up, and some interesting characters to say the least.   I am starting to think that the Wink feature on Match is the equivalent of "I'll call you" after a date.  Seems like a good thing to do/say but you never plan on actually doing anything about it.

We’ve seen those Match commercials with the guy who stops people on the street and shows them these amazing “men/women” in their area.  All of them look like models and are right there in “your backyard just waiting to meet you”.  He convinces them to create a profile to connect with those people right now.  With what I have experienced so far; I cannot help but wonder…where are those people?  I think many of us have made the mistake of watching an infomercial late at night and ended up ordering something “As Seen on TV” only to realize when we got it home that it was not quite what we expected.  There were way more instructions, more room for error, and it just took longer than it looked on TV to work properly.  Doesn’t that explain how dating online seems to work these days?

There are millions of success stories from online dating sites.  When I tried Match years ago, I did meet some very nice guys with the qualities I would be looking for today in the right person.  Problem is…back then; I just wasn’t at a place in my life where I really had a clear understanding of who I was and what I ultimately was looking for.  I’m sure today those guys have gotten married, started families, or are hopefully in happy/healthy relationships.  If not…call me!  So the search continues.

Here are some things I will never understand.  If you don’t want children (as noted on your profile), why respond to someone who says they definitely want children?  If you are well outside the age range that the person is looking for why even go there?  I don’t mean a year or two outside the range; I mean WELL outside the range.  Same goes for being geographically undesirable.  I would be remiss if I did not mention the photos that people choose.  Guys, many of us already think you never listen when we’re talking.  Why would you post photos of yourself wearing headphones or ear buds?  It’s like you’re advertising that you will never listen to what we are saying.

Photos that should be removed from dating sites (in no particular order):
·         Headphone/ear bud photos
·         Duck faces
·         Bathroom or mirror selfies
·         Attempted sexy poses
·         Gym selfies
·         Sitting in the car selfies
·         Landscape photos (without you in them)
·         Overly filtered/altered photos

I am sure the list could go on and on but these are just a few big ones to note.  If you connect with someone via email/text, eventually you are going to meet.  You want the other person to do a double-take because you look even better in person…not because they are trying to figure out who you are.  Let’s make sure we are all putting our best foot forward.

After my dating sabbatical the past few years; it has been quite interesting to examine how things have changed in the online world.  I can say with complete certainty that it’s never dull.  My friends both male and female have some amazing stories - some funny, some creepy, and some beautiful love stories.  I’m looking forward to continuing this journey and sharing my findings with you.  You never know…the next one could be that I have met Mr. Mine. 

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