Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Let Go of Your Past and Your Past Will Let Go of You

I used to think this was just one of those hokey motivational phrases that people threw out to make themselves feel better.  Well – I WAS WRONG. 

After a break up, have you ever thought to yourself – “I wish I said this or wish I hadn’t said/done that”? Recently I got the amazing gift of being contacted by an ex.  Yes, the dreaded ex.  Not just any ex but THE EX.  The one whose actions rocked me to my core…well what was my core back then.  Nearly 8 years ago to be exact.  I’ve moved on; I’ve been in other relationships; I forgave him for all he’s done. 

Why do I say it was an amazing gift?  Well, you never know until you are placed back in a situation how you will react.  I was contacted unexpectedly so my first reaction was to react but I chose to wait it out a bit until I could gather my thoughts.  This is a good thing to do in any situation.  Composure really does help ensure that you are very clear with your intentions.  He was apologizing and making all kinds of declarations of his feelings.  However he forgot one thing…I KNOW HIM.  His words have always been empty because of the lack of action behind them and as the conversation continued, I was transported back to that time.  I had no idea that I still had this ongoing list of things that I wished I had said to him.  And when the opportunity presented itself, well to put it nicely…I “Unleashed the Kraken”.  I said everything I have ever wanted to say and so much more.  Such a freeing and liberating experience.

I don’t share this story because I think everyone should call up their ex and unleash years’ worth of unresolved feelings.  Though that could be interesting.  I share it because many of us wish we had the opportunity to fully express ourselves at the end of a relationship.  How many of us have seen our friendships fade away without really understanding what happened?  Sometimes people just grow apart, but sometimes there is a misunderstanding that had you both communicated at the time – the rift could have been avoided.  People hate confrontation that so often it is less “scary” to just walk away than actually have a conversation about issue at hand.

In your life, do you have that THE EX?  Do feel like you have fully closed that chapter or is there ever a feeling that things were left unsaid?  We are not all given the gift I was of being able to say everything to the ex.  Grab a notebook or just sheet of paper.  Write them a Dear Ex letter and then crumple it up and throw it away.  You’ll be amazed by how much lighter you feel getting all those feelings out.

You deserve happiness.  True happiness comes from the inside.  By letting go of what holds you back – you are able to propel yourself forward towards the next adventure in your life.  Endings are sad but an ending is just beginning of something new.  We often dwell on what we don’t have in our lives that we miss all the possibilities around us.  Stay open, stay true and you may surprise yourself.  Opportunities are all around us.  All we have to do is look up.