Thursday, February 23, 2017

Perception is Reality?

I had a manager once who would always say Perception is Reality.  While I’ve always respected them and still do; I could never quite get behind this statement fully because Perception is not necessarily my reality…it’s the person doing the perceiving’s reality.  Who is to say that this person is right?  If someone misunderstands a message that I feel I have expressed clearly am I really wrong?  There’s definitely a middle ground somewhere.  I always strive to communicate as effectively as possible to avoid misunderstandings; however, when the person receiving information has their own preconceived notions – they are bound to misunderstand any statement that doesn’t fall in line with their belief system.

We are judged on a daily basis.  What we look like, what we sound like, how we dress – all come into question.  Our harshest critics are often ourselves; which is really unfortunate.  I spent years worrying about what other people thought about me.  Was I pretty enough?  Was I smart enough?  Was I thin enough?  The key here is “enough”.  Who decides what makes me “ENOUGH”?  I was trying to live up to the ideal that I thought people around me were setting for me.  Key word is thought. 

I am so happy that I grew up before the internet was around.  Yes, back in the stone ages when people passed notes about you in class or whispered behind your back.  There were no hate pages/posts popping up all over social media.  We had bullies and their words were powerful and hurtful but somehow many of us rose up and didn’t falter for long.  We weren’t glued to every word written about us and found a way to eventually figure out who we were and didn’t mind the “HATERS”.  When you take away the power of other people’s words, they can no longer hurt you.

Becoming comfortable in my own skin wasn’t about giving up on wanting to changes.  It was about loving the person I have become wholeheartedly.  When you accept who you are and don’t judge yourself for it…your whole attitude is different.  Any changes you try to make; your spirit understands are for the right reasons and not because of something anyone else said.  Changes become a part of your life as opposed to this chore you are just trying to get through.  For example, when I first started working out with my trainer years ago, I was doing it because that’s what I thought I should do.  My heart wasn’t in it.  I dreaded each workout and the lack of results showed.  Eventually, I changed my way of thinking and something just clicked.  These days, I look forward to training, pushing it hard, and trying new things.  I’m not where I want to be but I am closer than I was.

The perception I had was that I needed to change to be accepted by others.  The reality is that I chose to change because I wanted to and I don’t care what other people think.  When you do things for yourself the experience is much more rewarding than when you do it because other people are expecting you to do it.  Break it down even further.  When you do something nice for someone are you doing it because they expect you to and you expect the same in return or do you do it because it’s in you to do something nice for people without any expectations?

Most of all - do it for yourself and not because you believe that you have to do it for someone else to accept you.  YOU ARE ENOUGH.  Be kind to yourselves and each other.