Friday, June 24, 2016

Shine On

I love this quote.  I always like to follow it up with "Just hand them some shades".  
Shine on.

How many times do we think about censoring what we tell those around us because we don't know how they will react?  Happy news should receive an equally happy reaction from our family & friends, right?  More often than not, we are concerned that someone will respond negatively or just not have the same reaction we are hoping for.  I'm not quite sure why our thoughts always go to negative reactions first. Getting a new job, starting new relationship, starting a family, or pursuing a long time passion with extra gusto are all great things right?  Maybe it's the fear that can come with embarking on these new endeavors.  We could be transferring our fears onto the people around us.  I've spoken about the power that fear can have over how we view things (Turning Fear into Fire).  Keep reading for another fire reference.

Does someone's reaction change the event?  Are we suddenly not going to be as excited about our news?  Unfortunately, sometimes that is exactly what happens.  We start to feel defeated or try to play down the importance of this great news.  That's not to say that every special moment in our lives requires a ticker tape parade.  It's nice to get support from those around us.  Positivity simply makes everyone's light shine brighter.

Have you ever walked in a room filled with happy people and just felt more upbeat and lighter because of the energy around you?  Conversely, have you ever walked in a room filled with people where the energy just feels off?  It could stem from one person or the whole room.  What do you do when that happens?  I know it can feel like it's hard to shine bright but in life you can choose to be the spark or the flame.

A spark ignites to make a flame.  A flame burns until it eventually burns out.  So you can use your "bright light" to bring others into the light or you can be a flame that burns because of others until it eventually grows dim and burns out.  I find it is more fun to bring people into the light.

When people are experiencing their own challenges, sometimes they are not able to be as supportive as we need them to be.  That doesn't mean they aren't happy for us.  It's just all that they can give at that time.  When the darkness fades, all will be back to normal.  So maybe you can be more delicate in the way you share the news but don't let their reaction dictate how you view it.  It's important to be sensitive to those around us but don't let their circumstances dictate your happiness.

Be excited about life's blessings.  Share your light and don't let other people determine how bright you shine!  Those who love you want you to succeed and thrive in everything you do.  Everyone just has a different way of showing support & love.  For those who can't handle your light...just smile and hand them some shades.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Dream Bigger

At what point did we forget how to dream BIG?  When I was a kid I wanted to be everything from a rock star to a lawyer.  Somewhere down the line I got my "head out of the clouds" as they say and got a reality check.  I developed my list of strengths and weaknesses and embarked on a career that wasn't on my dream list but I love it and happen to be really good at it.  Do I regret not being a rock star or - but I know I carry the attributes needed to do both in who I am today.  Becoming more centered and grounded has actually helped me to explore my dreams and to Dream Bigger

I've always loved to write and over the years have joked about writing books.  Can I have a career I love and still pursue other passions?  Do we need to sacrifice one for the other?  I don't think so.  That's how this blog was born.  I love this platform and I know someday there will be books in my future. 

My life thus far has been interesting to say the least.  I've loved and lost.  I've been lost and found.  Been through many relationships/friendships that have helped mold me into the person I am today.  Some have stayed on the journey with me - some have left once the lessons I needed to learn were learned.  It's given me a point of view that can hopefully help others and work as a reminder for myself.  I hope you are enjoying being on this journey with me.

Take a moment to think about your passions.  What are your dreams?  How often do you say you can't do something because you're TOO this or that?  We can make excuses to take ourselves out of the running for something that could be life changing.  A few years back after I had really started to work out more, I got a "crazy" idea to do an obstacle race.  Yes, I work out but I have never thought of myself as an athlete.  Well I convinced a couple of my friends to do this "crazy" thing with me.  I had never done anything like this before.  Mud, foam, obstacles...oh my!  There were a few obstacles I had to skip but I was really impressed and proud of what we all accomplished that day.  I went on to do 2 more crazy races over the next year.  It was an incredible feeling to see what my body was truly capable of when I pushed it hard enough.  I'm still not an athlete - but I do have athlete qualities.

Make a list of things you've always wanted to do.  It could be anything from taking a cooking class to jumping out of an airplane.  Getting on stage to perform or visiting a far away place.  Keep it close and as time goes on - you can add to the list or cross things off as your dreams change or you complete them.  Don't hold yourself back from moving forward.  We are often our harshest critics when we should be our biggest cheerleaders.  So challenge yourself to be more / do more.

You might just surprise yourself.